When you watch an alien-based movie or read a book based on science fiction, you may have found that parallel universes are often mentioned. Many times it has been assumed that the universe we live in exists exactly the same universe where you and we can exist as it is here. Most scientists deny the idea of a parallel universe. But there are many who believe in this theory and are doing research on it.
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Space is so big that many Earth-like planets have been found here. Many astronomers are researching whether there is life on these planets or how much life is likely to exist. It has been estimated that there are countless universes in space where there are countless stars, solar systems, planets etc. Accordingly, it was speculated that as there are conditions on Earth and events happen, similarly similar events would be happening on any other planet in Parallel Universe.
What is Parallel Universe ?
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The theory of parallel universe tells us that the universe is not one, but there are many universes in space. And our universe is also a part of it, you may have some difficulty in understanding what I am going to present to you in principle, that's why you read this post with full concentration, only after reading the whole post you will understand that after all What is this parallel universes?
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You think that you are doing what you are doing now, but know that what you are thinking right now was decided only when that first atom of the universe was made. Everything is related to other things in this universe and they both affect each other, if I had not written this post, you would have been doing something else now, if Google had not created the site named blogger. If I had not, you would not have been reading this blog of mine today, and if I had not been born, you would not have been reading this post today.
According to interactive world theory, our universe is one of many universes that live together at the same time. Can't see that other universes, because both live in different dimensions like you are reading this post of mine right now in this universe there is a parallel universe in which you are doing some other work. In another universe you might be driving around in your car, and in another universe you might be drinking tea.
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And also in different universe you will be doing different work and its potential will never end, means all universe are working at the same time, what can happen in parallel universe is related to your imagination , means there are different universes of what you can imagine, as if you are a superstar in one universe and a poor human being in another universe, now if theories are to be believed then parallel universe is very different from our universe and Parallel universe means you don't think that there is only one universe, I have talked about many universes here and our universe is also one of them.
Now the theory that I mentioned above is that everything is interconnected, it only works in one universe and not with the other, that's why we will probably never know whether there is a parallel universe or not?
It is true that we are all connected to each other but the matter of parallel universe is a mystery.
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