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A true story of a old lady and his lalla..........

One true story

                    Once there was a lady in delhi, who believes in kanaji (LORD KRISHNA). She always loves going to vrindavan, mathura and places of krishna,  visits Vrindavan every month. For many years she did the same but in her old age, due to her health problems, she gets lot of trouble going to vrindavan. So she decided to bring "KANHAIYA'S peetal ki moorti" to her home and she decide she will talk of her "lalla" pet name of KANHAIYA. she loves him lot. she takes care of everything, lunch, bath, dinner, breakfast. she treats him like her son. every night she looks at kanhaiya's bed ( the place where lalla ( moorti) sleeps, as she treats him like her son.

That lady has one child who is married. One day ( occassion of janamashtmi) she was not well. So she askd her daughter in law to please "make her kanahiya bath" and dresed him properly cause every janamashtmi she does the same. But her son's wife was doing some work on laptop, so she said she will do it after some time. But the lady forced her to leave the work and do what she said but she refused.. after few minutes she stood up from chair, and pickd kanahiyas moorti forcefully, what happens as the result of rude behavior. kanahaiya's moorti fall down.

After seeing her lalla lying on floor. she cried loudly, she crying telling everyone to call doctor for her lallllla and if some thing happens to her lalla.. then she ordered evryone to kill her as well. But her son denied calling the doctor thinking people will make fun of him. But after seeing her mother crying, she agreed to pay doctor huge amount to just to say " HER LALLLLA IS ALRIGHT " in front of her mother. Doctor agreed to visit the place in order to collect big amount. Once doctor reaches the place she did the same what her son has asked her to do.

But the ladys love, forced doctor to take out instruments from his bag and he puts one side on KANHAIYA'S CHEST and one on his ear. what he observes? THAt WAS true.. he ( doctor ) started crying, he observer heart beat in kanhaiya's moorti. That's was not amazing.. that was love. He then told lady's son that her mother was right. And he was fool, who didn't trusted her. And then he left everything and he started living in VRINDAVANA.

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