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are there Aliens in Area 51 ?????


Scientists and logicians around the world debate about aliens. Many believe that if they exist, many scientists deny them. This interest in aliens is still 100 years old. 100 years ago no one paid much attention to these. As the work of science and space combined in the 20th century, the debate over aliens also started.

*Who are aliens?

Aliens would have called creatures from another world and from a place which is not on our earth. We can call aliens any other planet and any other creature from the solar system. Although many times people have claimed to have seen aliens, but they were never confirmed, most of them remained false claims.

Some scientists who do research on aliens make a different claim, according to them, aliens have come to this earth and they have been imprisoned for research at a particular place. This particular place is located 80 miles northwest of the North American city of Las Vegas. This secret place is known as Area 51. This is a very mysterious place created by the US government, about which the government does not tell anything about it.

This area often remains the center of discussion as it is believed that research work is done on aliens from other planets. Many people have even claimed that they have seen the unidentified flying object (UFO) flying there many times.

*Alien's body has been found here

According to a claim made in the year 1947, a UFO crashed at this place. The body of one of the aliens was also recovered. This alien was 4 feet and looked like a naked human. It is said that research is still going on in some part of Area 51.

*There is no information about this place even in the map of America

There has been so much secrecy about this place that even a map of the US government has no information about it. And many years ago when it was shown in one map, that map was immediately replaced by another. Because the US government never wants anyone to know about Area 51.

*This place is dangerous

If your life here is saved by aliens and nuclear weapons, you are still in danger. Actually, many poisonous materials have been dumped in an unsafe manner at this place. Because of this, people living here range from skin diseases to cancer.

*Humans have restrictions at this place

Area 51 is a place which is completely prohibited from visiting common people. Fences have been erected around this area so that no animals and humans could enter in by mistake or deception. Security personnel armed with sophisticated weapons roam around the enclosures.

All those who had houses around this area were forcefully evacuated by the American Military Force. The reason was not given to anyone, but whoever refused to vacate the place, they were made to do so by intimidating them at gunpoint.

There are many restrictions on this place, the government often wants to keep it a top secret. It is written on every hoarding here that any banned man will be shot on sight.

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